5G,SkyBender,Google ja päikesedroonid

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5G,SkyBender,Google ja päikesedroonid

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 12:10, 31 Jaan 2016

taevas on varsti "lendavat prügi" täis..
tuhanded google droonid ja balloonid..

Solara 50 lennumasin ehk atmospheric-satellite
The Solar 50 can fly at a speed of 64mph (104km/h) up to a range of 2.45nm (4.54million kilometres), and has a gross weight of 350lb (159kg).
http://www.aerospace-technology.com/pro ... satellite/

http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2 ... n-galactic
Tehnoloogiagigant Google on käivitanud salajase projekti nimega SkyBender, mille eesmärgiks on asuda mõne aasta pärast pakkuma uue põlvkonna 5G-sideteenuseid päikesedroonide abil.
Esimesed millimeeterlainealal põhineva interneti katsetused on käimas USA-s New Mexicos asuval kosmodroomil ligi 1400 ruutmeetrisel alal ning püsti on pandud ka oma lennujuhtimiskeskus. Arvatakse, et just selles sagedusalas on võimalik andmeid edastada ligi 40 korda kiiremini kui praeguses 4G-võrgus ning võib seetõttu saada loomisel olevate 5G-standardite aluseks, teatab The Guardian.

Washingtoni ülikooli professor Jacques Rudell ütles The Guardianile, et lisaks on olemasolev mobiilispekter ülekoormatud ja seal poleks ruumi edasistest arendusteks. Samas kipuvad millimeeterlainealas lained lühikese vahemaa järel hajuma ning seega saab leviala olema väga väike. Just see on peamine väljakutse, millega Google’il tuleb mobiilse andmeside levitamisel taevast rinnutsi seista.

Google testib võrku hetkel 28 GHz sagedusalal ning levi on selles kõigest kümnendik 4G leviulatusest. Seetõttu kasutab Google fokusseeritud andeedastuseks nn faasivõre abil ja sel viisil andmete edastamine nõuab tohult hulgal energiat.

Projekt Skybender kasutab praegu testides Centaur-nimelist lennumasinat (“optionally piloted” aircraft called Centaur) ja päikesepatareidega varustatud 50-meetrise tiivaulatusega drooni Solara 50, mis lennutati taevasse juba aastal 2014. Google’il on luba New Mexicos teste läbi viia selle aasta juulini.

http://tehnika.postimees.ee/3521475/goo ... droonidelt

Google Undertaking Skybender may just convey tremendous rapid web with using drones

Google Titan solar drone

We have a tendency to take the web without any consideration round those portions of the planet, however get right of entry to to the around the globe internet occurs to be a little of a privilege. In keeping with Web Are living Stats, best approximately forty% of the arena has an web connection.

Bearing in mind that Google’s industry revolves most commonly round looking out and perusing, we all know they would like as so much folks to be hooked up as imaginable. For this reason they have got undertaken ventures akin to Challenge Loon, which objectives to deliver web to underneath-evolved spaces thru floating balloons that may keep in touch to the bottom.

However the Seek Large isn’t preventing its quest for a extra hooked up global. A brand new document from The Dad or mum swears Google has been running on a new motion that is going through the identify Venture SkyBender. The theory is very similar to Venture Loon, with the one primary variations being that this time they’re the use of “self-flying” sun drones and millimetre wave generation.
http://www.appmarsh.com/tag/google-unde ... skybender/
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Postitusi: 8174
Liitunud: 02:00, 15 Nov 2006
Asukoht: Tallinn
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On tänanud: 133 korda
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Re: 5G,SkyBender,Google ja päikesedroonid

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 18:39, 18 Veebr 2016

esimese interneti-ballooni katsetus lõppes "allakukkumisega"..?

A Google balloon, part of the company’s high-speed Internet service known as “Project Loon”, crashed in a Sri Lankan tea plantation during its maiden test flight, local police said Thursday.
The first of three Google balloons entered Sri Lankan air space on Monday after being launched from South America. The launch is part of a planned joint venture between the US Internet giant and Colombo to deliver high-speed Internet access powered by helium-filled balloons.
The government announced earlier this month it would take a 25 percent stake in the joint venture with Google. Sri Lanka is not investing any capital, but will take the stake in return for allocating spectrum for the project.
http://tribune.com.pk/story/1049800/goo ... st-flight/
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