Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

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Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 09:22, 27 Juun 2013

DVB-S3 ehk NS3(tm) testimisest on foorumis põgusalt ennegi mainitud. Leidsin testikatse kirjelduse. ... 202011.pdf

Lisanduseks, et nüüdseks on saavutatud juba 506Mbps ülekandevoog läbi satitranspondri, kasutades uuendatud 32APSK135/180 modulatsiooni. ... s-barrier/

Muudetud pealkiri.
Viimati muutis Scott, 01:16, 04 Mär 2014, muudetud 2 korda kokku.

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 teemal

PostitusPostitas Henkka » 19:19, 27 Juun 2013

oh pagan...
annab neid uusi modulatsioone jälle õppida ning nende toimingust aru saada...
Aga ülitore on, et mõte ikka edasi liigub.
Sagedusressursiga on kahjuks nii et seda on inimkonnal täpselt nii palju kui on. Ning juurde ei tule (aga ära kah ei kao...). Seega tuleb olemasolevat piiratud sagedusressurssi kasutada sedavõrd mõistlikult kuivõrd parasjagu teadmised ja oskused lubavad.
Sellest ka praegused suht kiired standardi muutused , nagu DVB-S ja DVB-S2 ning muidugi DVB-T ja DVB-T2 ...
AX HD61 4K ; AX HD51 4K ; LG OLED65B8PLA; LG OLED55EG9A7V ; T90 0,8W; 4,8E; 9E; 13E; 16E; 19,2E; 23,5E; 28,2E; 31,5E; 36E

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 01:15, 04 Mär 2014

Jälle uus modulatsioonivariant: On February 27th 2014 the DVB steering committee has approved the specifications for the new standard, called DVB-S2X. ... VB_S2X.pdf

"Timely approval DVB-S2X means that it can be deployed together with HEVC, the latest video coding system. It is expected that the demand for capacity will increase with regard to the planned development of content in ultra high resolution (Ultra HD) along with HEVC coding on satellite. DVB-S2X provide more options for adjusting the capacity of the multiplex and its correction. DVB-S2X allow for mobile satellite services (maritime and air transport), better resistance to interference and so on. "

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 00:44, 14 Juul 2014

Huvitavat lugemist

NovelSati uue modulatsioonisüsteemi profivastuvõtja.

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 00:16, 22 Okt 2014

EBU-Eurovision võtab ülekannete jaoks kasutusele NS3 modulatsiooniga transpondri. ... _light.pdf

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 05:28, 18 Apr 2015

NovelSat on katsetanud neljanda põlvkonna modulatsioonitehnoloogiat NS4, mis NS3-e pakutava 30% asemel annab juurde 45% efektiivsust võrreldes DVB-S2 modulatsiooniga.

Pilt ... dware.html

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 02:22, 05 Juul 2015

Novelsati NS4 ehk niiöelda DVB-S4 võetakse selle aasta lõpus kasutusele.

Praegu on EBU feed Eutelsat 10A, 10E (11075 V 68750) NS3 süsteemis. Vastuvõtjat saab osta, Novelsat NS-2000 Demodulator maksab 1800 Inglise naelsterlingit. Muid pakkujaid pole. Kuid feed on kodeeritud, seega pole nagu mõtet :wink:

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 00:18, 15 Jaan 2017

DVB UHD-1 Phase 2 ... hase_2.pdf
*DVB UHD-1 Phase 1 is specified in TS 101 154 v2.2.1 (June 2015)
*DVB UHD-1 Phase 2 (HDR, HFR, Next Generation Audio etc.) will be specified in TS 101 154 v2.3.1 and is currently published as DVB BlueBook A157 (November 2016)



The DVB Steering Board approved a new version of the audio-visual coding specification, TS 101 154, adding support for High Dynamic Range (HDR), Higher Frame Rates (HFR) and Next Generation Audio (NGA). The new specification is a major milestone for the industry, allowing broadcasters and CE manufacturers to provide enhanced video and audio in their products and services. This will enable DVB services offering UHDTV with HDR. This would be the first element of UHD-1 Phase 2 features to be implemented and could be available from next year.

High Dynamic Range (HDR) significantly increases the contrast ratio and results in pictures with more 'sparkle'. The DVB HDR solution supports Hybrid Log Gamma (HLG) and Perceptual Quantizer (PQ) transfer functions. Furthermore, the new specification defines Higher Frame Rates (HFR), offering sharper images of moving objects by going beyond the current 50/60 frames per second. When it comes to audio, DVB has added the latest Next Generation Audio (NGA) schemes to provide immersive and personalized audio content using object- or scene-based coding.

The specification has been published as BlueBook A157 and will be passed to ETSI for formal publication as TS 101 154 v2.3.1.

Commenting on the new specification, DVB Chairman, Peter MacAvock said "Today's approval of the specification is the result of enormous effort from the contributors, and further evidence of DVB's leadership in the broadcast industry. DVB views the extended audio-visual coding specification as a key enabler for exciting new products and services."

Completing the specification on time required great dedication, with over 30 companies and other interested parties participating in the Technical Module group on audio-visual coding, TM-AVC. It is estimated that some 50 online meetings and 10 days of physical meetings took place in TM-AVC during the year that it was working on the specification. Commercial guidance on Next Generation Audio was provided by CM-AVC, whilst commercial guidance on UHD-1 Phase 2 video was provided by CM-UHDTV. This commitment by DVB Members bears testament to how standards' bodies play an important role and emphasizes the importance of getting consensus and wide approval for new standards.

Ken McCann, Chair of TM-AVC, said "This latest revision of the TS 101 154 adds important new features to ensure that DVB continues to meet the industry's demands for ever-improving video and audio quality. It's a great team effort that marks the culmination of the most intense year of work in TM-AVC's history, 21 years after the first version of the specification was published as BlueBook 001."

Virginie Drugeon, Vice-Chair of TM-AVC and chief editor of the specification, added "This new revision of the TS 101 154 specification is a major technical milestone that was made possible by the huge amount of excellent technical work performed by the many highly qualified television engineers involved in DVB TM-AVC. DVB Members are now looking forward to new exciting television services, including sparkling images, better motion representation, as well as new immersive and personalized audio services."

David Wood, Chair of CM-UHDTV who oversaw the work on the Commercial Requirements for UHD-1 Phase 2, commented "When they draw up the history of television, the agreement by the DVB Steering Board to this specification will surely be writ large. It marks the culmination of many years work by scores of DVB Member engineers, and is probably the tipping point for the new age of UHDTV."

Congratulations to all those who contributed to the huge team effort required to get this important document agreed on time and particularly to Virginie Drugeon for her excellent editorial leadership.

hetkel siis kasutusel (?)


veel huvitavat lugemist ( 8-bit vs. 10-bit,Motion blur ja motion judder ) ... wp-uhd.pdf
DVB-T/T2:Eesti-SoomeDigi/ DVB-C:Starman HD/DVB-S: Mabo 125x140cm/TBS5922

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 13:33, 15 Veebr 2017

19.2E 11553 H 25500 11/20 DVB-S2X
Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
DVB-T/T2:Eesti-SoomeDigi/ DVB-C:Starman HD/DVB-S: Mabo 125x140cm/TBS5922

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Re: Lugemist DVB-NS3, NS4 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 03:58, 18 Sept 2017

Iisraeli firma Novelsat pakub PCI-Express arvutikaarte, nii modulaatori- kui demodulaatoriga variante.

Vastuvõtuks on sobiv loomulikult demodulaatorkaart NS20C, mis toetab DVB-S/S2, DVB-S2X, DVB-DSNG, DVB-CID ning NS3 ja NS4 signaale. Modulatsioonid - QPSK, 8PSK, 16QAM, 8APSK, 16APSK, 32APSK, 64APSK, 128APSK, 256APSK kõikvõimalike veakorrektsiooni variantidega. ... 17_Web.pdf

Hinnast pole muidugi juttu tehtud.

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Re: Lugemist DVB-S3 ja DVB-S2X teemal

PostitusPostitas Scott » 06:29, 27 Jaan 2018

Maailmas on veel modulatsioone kasutuses.

Kõigepealt üks venekeelne kokkuvõttev artikkel
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Ameerikas kasutatakse palju DigiCipher2 süsteemi , .

DirecTV paketid on valinud edastuseks DSS standardi, mis on isegi vanem kui DVB-S ja konkureeris veel kinnitamata DVB-S standardiga ülemaailmseks satelliidiedastustehnoloogiaks. ,

Nüüd on DirecTV kasutusele võtnud DVB-S2 modulatsioonitasemel "täiendatud" süsteemi DVB-S2D, mille vastuvõtjad kasutavad küll samu komponente mis DVB-S2 vastuvõtjad, kuid viimased ei suuda signaali lukustada. Kuna selle sisu on avalikustamata, siis leidub ainult mõni foorumilõim. ... 2d.279472/ ... er.192349/ ... php?t=4606

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