kokku123 kirjutas:Ma küll alati mõelnud, et riiga sõites peaks kuulama kaugele see R2 kostab aga alati see nali tegemata jäänud
Kuskil natuke vähem kui 50 km piirist, Tuja ristis kaob ära. Varem aga teise autoga vedas rahulikult üle 50 km ka välja.
kokku123 kirjutas:Ma küll alati mõelnud, et riiga sõites peaks kuulama kaugele see R2 kostab aga alati see nali tegemata jäänud
FM Radio
BFBS FM radio can be configured to cover entire cities with kilowatts of transmitter power, or cover small compounds with a couple of watts of FM transmission. FM broadcasts are universally receivable and can play an important role in the British Forces engagement with the local population, providing essential broadcast information in times of emergency or natural disaster. Equipment can be housed in a small room or housed in a half-ISO container. Electricity requirements are small (typically 16A or less incl. air conditioning). A low power FM transmission system ROM cost is as little as £3,000.
There may be a requirement to obtain local transmission licences before broadcasting can begin. SOFA or equivalent host nation agreements may be a route to gaining an FM licence. BFBS is currently developing a DAB version of the low power FM radio transmitter which can deliver a choice of 20 radio stations instantly upon deployment.
MartinDX kirjutas:Umbes 30 minutit tagasi oli Äripaeva raadio sagedus millegi pärast 92.6 MHz peal
Nüüdseks tagasi 92.4 peal
Screen voetud bussil Tallinnast väljudes
Kasutajad foorumit lugemas: Registreeritud kasutajaid pole ja 39 külalist