CCcam PHP webinfo

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CCcam PHP webinfo

PostitusPostitas mixman » 12:54, 27 Jaan 2007

CCcam PHP webinfo v.01b
An additional tool to administration and test of your CCcam server.
This script is intended only for technology testing purposes, the author does not condone piracy or c**ds**r**g of any type.
This script is not to be modified in any way other than by the author.
v.01b - initial version
- Header with general emu info and total number of cards on server
- Recognizal of account types by cfg format
(Client/Server pairs, single clients, single servers, suspended or not
see CCcam_format example.cfg for examples)
- Detection of online status for clients/servers using webinfo
(port is detected from cfg or if setting not present - from default)
- Detection of local cards and number of cards in each distance (up to 5)
from each server
- Client settings info for each client
- Notes field taken from #line before account, for keeping track of
comments, contact data, etc
ToDo's (very soon):
- Number of unique nodes
- Number of unique nodes/server
- Implementation of CCcam.providers - conversion of webinfoort/providers
- Number of cards/provider/server
For additional info, READ the readme :P

CCcam PHP extended webinfo v.01c


- Changed the FTP connection type
- A few optimizations for speed


Keegi võiks proovida, ise ma tööle panna ei osanud....

Dm500-Gemini3.40 Maxvar/5E/13E/19E/

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 56
Liitunud: 03:00, 28 Aug 2005
    unknown unknown

PostitusPostitas danton80 » 16:18, 27 Jaan 2007

ja töötabki


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