Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas kain » 21:37, 20 Apr 2008

by IHAD regarding the current situation
of the Gemini 4.3.1 release

Cause of our re-opening,we the IHAD Team,are now giving a statement regarding the events that took place in the last days.
Hopefully we can answer a few questions to our regular users
and work a little against the criticism from others.
Regarding the propaganda of some other Sat Boards,we will make a statement in the future as well.

How the drivers became part of the image:
After we started our Blue Panel lock which worked quite ok up to 2-3 days after the start,a work-around patch became public that made it pretty much obsolete.
After this event,DMM offered us exclusivly, a new driver for the DM500 that should become part of the CVS shortly after.
This driver should make it possible to display jpeg files,with the DM500.

We the Team,did put 1 and 1 together and thought,that this new driver might have something in it to help DMM protect their rights.
So we assumed that this new driver might have some kind of clone detection.

Nevertheless a test on a Blackbox,which took place,couldn't confirm this assumtion.
The Blackbox was working without any problems in our tests.
And honestly:Why shouldn't we use a driver that without any doubt brought many improvments for the users of the DM500.
We also decided to keep on using this driver in our DM500 images.
This has to reasons...
First:Why should regular DM500 users be punished by not getting improvements for their box.
Second:Anyone who now still p*ts the gemini image on their Blackbox Reciever,simply should have known better.

What has happend:
On the 27th of march 2008 the Gemini 4.3.1 DM500 including the new drivers was released by us.
Since that time the so called "Time Bomb" was active and at some point started to delete the boot loader of the Clone boxes that used the image.
An announcement was displayed that said:"Warning - clone box detected -system stop. Contact your dealer - adios amigo!"
Afterwards the box shut down and didn't boot anymore.
Deleted was the part that is necessary to boot software on the box,this part was under license of DreamMultimedia.
This license includes that this part of the sofware can only be used for the Dreambox STB.
Usage on other hardware is completly prohibited and therefor illegal!
The problem is,that the deleted part is the,so to speak,bios.Similiar to the bios of a PC and without this bios the box won't boot.
The weired thing about all this is,that these cloneboxes,had this DMM software pre-installed,some of them even had the Gemini image pre-installed on it.
Which meant a DMM license violation right from the beginning.
So it must be completly logical to everyone,that DMM(the rightful owner of this software) had to start countermessures at some point.
We the IHAD Board and Gemini Team support this action,that was taken by DMM,but were also supprised by the harshness of the action.
Cause as it seems the box can only be "resurected" with a hardware based operation(JTAG) that writes the booloader back to the chip.
Which brings us right back to the license problem,cause there is no alternative,free software/bootloader made available by the manufactor of the cloneboxs for these kind of STBs.
So it basically would be illegal too,to write the DMM software back to the chip of the unlicend STB.

Why we decided to close the board:
Over the last couple of days many users have registered at IHAD,that were affected by the "Time Bomb" and their insults and acusations knew no boundaries.
And as we,after 2 days,didn't see and end to all this ,we decided to close the board.
We just couldn't accept this kind of treatment towards us,cause we have no responsebility whatsoever,regarding the actions that were taken by DMM.
They were the only ones that had knowledge about the countermessures that were taken.
Nevertheless,we do take general responsebility for actively working against these clones.Which we already stated on several occasions in the past.
We are all Dreambox fans and our hobby is made possible by the products developed and sold by DreamMultimedia and we would practically work against ourselfs,if we wouldn't act against these cloned STBs.
It simply can not be in our interest that manufactors, that are not involved in the developing process,take profits from the real developers.
The posting of real adresses of IHAD Team members and statements like:"I would like to pet their backs with my baseball bat."
and such, simply were beyond all manners.
And so we closed the doors of the IHAD board.

How you can support us:
Support the IHAD and fight against clones.
Use these pictures as avatars and/or signature on all boards that you are registered.
Show your support for the IHAD and express your opinion about clones.

http://www.i-have-a-dreambox.com/wbb2/thread.php?postid=724459#post724459 (Vajab registreerumist)

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Vana kala
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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 20:34, 22 Apr 2008


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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas seltsimees » 11:56, 04 Mai 2008

See teema siin küll aktuaalsuse kaotanud aga panen igaks juhuks selle faili siiski siia. Sellega saab dreami MAC aadressi rauas ära muuta. Vajalik jtag juhe töö tegemiseks.
Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas rolks » 23:42, 09 Juul 2008

see kloonide eristamise jutt on suht mõtetu teema, minu kloon on näiteks identne koopia.

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas spiiker » 14:04, 14 Dets 2008

Millist imaget kloonile tänasel päeval soovitate?
Kas mingi vana gemini sobib või ....


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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas sergei2004 » 16:03, 26 Dets 2008

on ka valmis imagit värskemat,ilma bombita,on gemeni ja nemesis ka toimib,või originaal GP 4.0 gp

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas krix » 11:29, 28 Juul 2009

Kas keegi sellist boxide uuesti ellu äratamise teenust ka pakub? Oleks vaja üks gemini ajapommi otsa astunud netbox tööle saada...
suur pann ja palju häid kanaleid

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Postitusi: 262
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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tsaarsataan » 14:11, 28 Juul 2009

krix kirjutas:Kas keegi sellist boxide uuesti ellu äratamise teenust ka pakub? Oleks vaja üks gemini ajapommi otsa astunud netbox tööle saada...

Kuidas sa sinna otsa sattusid.kus sa selle gemini laadisid ja mis versiooni.Mida ennen kasutasid.Kaua aega pärast uuendust pildi kotti viskas?kas oma boxi mac aadressi tead?
110cm Triax 08W,5E,13E,19E Dreambox dm500-s..KWorld (DVB-T 380U).

Kasutaja avatar
Vana kala
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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tigekala » 21:37, 28 Juul 2009

tsaarsataan kirjutas:Kas oma boxi mac aadressi tead?
Sellega pole enam midagi teha. Peab teadma, kuidas see ära muuta.
Loe ülevalt seda posti >

Kood: Vali kõik

04 Mai 2008 10:56

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tsaarsataan » 22:46, 28 Juul 2009

Milline see rauas siis olema peab,et pommi ära petta?Või milline ei tohi olla?Mul andis üks dm saba(adios),kuigi teadsin,et oli originaal(mergest ostetud 3600 eeki).Dm oli aastast 2004.Siis nagu kloone ei tehtud vist.Uuendasin seda boxi 3 aastat blue paneelist gemini serverist ja flazhwizardiga.Mitte midagi ei juhtunud.Juhtus alles siis kui tegin 4.6 pealt downgrade versioonile 3.x midagi.Nüüd seisab sahtlis.Üks tegi selle jtag kaabli ka õpetuse järgi netist,aga ma pole 100 prossi kindel kas sai õige.Mina igatahes seda enam tööle ei saanud.Kui kellegil viitsimist proovida siis palun.Kaabel olemas ja plaadi külge ka joodetud.
110cm Triax 08W,5E,13E,19E Dreambox dm500-s..KWorld (DVB-T 380U).

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas valgekotkas » 23:11, 28 Juul 2009

tsaarsataan kirjutas:Mina igatahes seda enam tööle ei saanud.Kui kellegil viitsimist proovida siis palun.Kaabel olemas ja plaadi külge ka joodetud.
ma viitsiks aga aega ei ole - kui sa tõesti oled nii lahke jagama siis võin oma aadressi anda ja äkki paned posti (kompenseeriks loomulikult postikulu) ... võibolla juhtub, et saabub õnnis aega ja paar tundi eraldatakse kehvikule puhkeaega mida võiks katsetamiseks kulutada :mrgreen:
"Microsoft sells you Windows ... Linux gives you the whole house."

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tsaarsataan » 23:21, 28 Juul 2009

Võin panna küll.Mis ta siin ikka niisama seisab.toitekat pole ja pulti.Kas nii sobib?
110cm Triax 08W,5E,13E,19E Dreambox dm500-s..KWorld (DVB-T 380U).

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas valgekotkas » 23:33, 28 Juul 2009

tsaarsataan kirjutas:Võin panna küll.Mis ta siin ikka niisama seisab.toitekat pole ja pulti.Kas nii sobib?
sobib ... saadan PS-i
"Microsoft sells you Windows ... Linux gives you the whole house."

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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas satikas » 22:07, 29 Juul 2009

Hiina kauba austajatele üks image:
Ise testinud ei ole (ei oma hiina kaupa), kes julgeb riskida, andke tagasisidet.
Allikas: http://dreambox.roliaforum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7866 (vajab regamist)

Gemini 4.60 Non Bomb DM500 CCcam 2.1.2 original Mod Borsalino 21.07.09

The new: emu Cccam_2.1.2 insideand integration in the image
whate new

-this image non time bomb (tested 100/100 in my clone)
-Valid image of the original and clone dream 500s
-new bootlogo hd inside
-add grab inside in image ok screenshot fixed
-You can check program : dm500_clone_bomb_checker_v1[1].0
-Emu: CCcam 2.1.2 inside (start with image..in blue panel withe volume button for the built-Emu )
-please send Cccam.cfg in var/etc withe ftp
-the skins oroginale
-add nagrab recording in image
-Now you can change the form of a channel presntation withe button help
-add italian Language in demarge
-add option DVR withe help botton
-big var naw 83% Free espace withe cccam 2.1.2
-option pvr ok withe this modifecation image
-Fast image to open channels with Cccam2.1.1
-send this image withe dreamup or falshwizare

Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
==> DreamBox DM900HD <== [4,8E/13E/16E/19E/28E/36E/0,8W/30W]

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 262
Liitunud: 17:55, 27 Aug 2008
Asukoht: Tartumaa
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Re: Tähelepanu hiinlaste ja netboxide omanikud!

PostitusPostitas tsaarsataan » 14:49, 30 Juul 2009

Proovitud see Gemini 4.60 Non Bomb DM500 CCcam 2.1.2 original Mod Borsalino 21.07.09

Esialgu toimib normaalselt.See teine gemini 4.6 (Gemini_0460_DM500__ENG_BY__drhg__NObomb)mis liigub ringi(ka siin foorumis kuiskil tõmbamis link) on ka ilma pommita,tollega tekkisid probleemid nt EPG Evolutioniga tähed polnud paigas nt qky aomedy-sky comedy.Sellega tähed paigas.Ainult pole täpitähti,see vaja selgitamist veel.Pidi mingi tõlkefail olema.Cccam_2.1.2 kohe sees olemas.Lasin ise vanema Cccam 2.0.11 peale,aga siis ei tahtnud alguses töötada.Avas ainult selle uuemaga.Miks ta seda tegi,ei oska komenteerida.sai ka selle proge dm500_clone_bomb_checker_v1[1].0 üle käidud ja näitas rohelist tuld.Boot pilt on ka ilus.Muud ei oskagi rohkem kohe öelda.
110cm Triax 08W,5E,13E,19E Dreambox dm500-s..KWorld (DVB-T 380U).

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