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USB stick TVkey

Postitatud: 12:12, 02 Veebr 2017
Postitas peeter3000
Saksa HD+ ja Samsung pakuvad ilma kaardi ning moodulita kanali avamist..
German HDTV platform HD+ has introduced an USB stick enabling the owners of smart TV sets to receive its subscription service without a smartcard.

As the first manufacturer, Samsung equips its Ultra HD sets from the KU6079 series onwards with the HD+ TVkey. In contrast to HD+ set-top-boxes and the HD+ module, no HD+ card is required for decryption.

From February 1 until April 16, 2017, the buyers of compatible Samsung TV sets receive the HD+ TVkey free of charge. After the purchase from a retailer taking part in the special promotion, the buyer has to register the TV set on the website http://www.samsung.de/gratisHD.

The customer will then receive a free HD+ TVkey by mail including a free 6-month HD+ subscription. When it expires, it’s up to the customer to opt for a regular subscription.

Customers having bought a Samsung TV set from the KU6079 series onwards before the promotion started, can order an HD+ TVkey from HD+ at http://www.hd-plus.de/tvkey for €79 from 7 February, 2017.

http://www.broadbandtvnews.com/2017/02/ ... -hd-tvkey/

Re: USB stick TVkey

Postitatud: 22:15, 02 Veebr 2017
Postitas karla
Küll vene ja ukraina nupumehed järgi vaatavad mis selle viguri sees on ja neid varsti imeodavalt müüma hakkavad :)