Guizhou 500m teleskoop

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Liitunud: 02:00, 15 Nov 2006
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Guizhou 500m teleskoop

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 19:00, 03 Juul 2016

sai valmis maailma suurim raadioteleskoop.
läbimõõt (aperture?) 500m, raadius 300m ja ümbermõõt 1.6km, Focal ratio 0.46-0.47, Opening angle 100-120, Sky coverage Zenith angle 40, tracking range 4-6h
*koosneb 4450paneelist.
*hind ca 160 milj.€.
(Yle) ... eo/9000715

Location(s) Pingtang County, People's Republic of China
Coordinates 25.6525°N 106.8567°ECoordinates: 25.6525°N 106.8567°E
Wavelength electromagnetic spectrum: (10 cm to 4.3 m)[1]
Built under construction
Telescope style spherical reflector
Diameter 500 metre
Collecting area 196,000 square metre
Dome none

pildid ... 80&bih=702

Feed Cabin suspension System

Feed cabin suspension system includes the following structure:

(1) The optical, mechanical and electronic integration first-order cable support system: 6 tower supports with height of about a hundred meter are built in the mountain around the depression. A kilometer-scale steel cable soft support system and the guide rope, cable reel are installed to realize the first-order spatial position adjustment of the feed cabin.
(2) The 10-meter-diameter feed cabin. A parallel robot is installed in the feed cabin for the second-order adjustment to realize a spatial position accuracy of 10 mm.
(3) The steering gear between first-order and second-order adjustment mechanisms to help adjust the attitude angle of the feed cabin.
(4) The power and signal channels between ground and the feed cabin.
(5) The safety and health monitor system: It includes lightning protection, cable stress force monitor, emergency prevention and dealing equipments.


Measurement and Control System

There is no rigid structure connecting the FAST reflector and focus. Therefore it requires high-accuracy measurements of their spatial coordinate in a common well-defined reference frame. Besides, all moving parts of the telescope require real-time measurement and reaction control during operations to meet the position accuracy requirement. Various modern measurement technology will be applied to the site exploration, earth work, reflector and feed cabin support, receiver and terminal systems, and the real-time detect and health monitor of the telescope during operation in future. Large dimension, high sampling rate, high accuracy measurement and control is the key points.

We plan to build a reference datum net comprised of 10 datum station with mm-accuracy. There are two most challenging tasks to be accomplished.
(1) Real-time reaction control of the feed cabin: to read the 3-D spatial positions of the feed cabin, four API laser trackers are used to measure 4 follow-up targets in the Stewart platform. Two API laser tracker systems are used to measure the position and attitude of the lower platform, and monitor the control results.
(2) Surface scanning of the reflector: There are more than 2000 nodes, the joining points of the element panels on the reflector, and the number of nodes being illuminated is ~1000. As a plan, nine close-range instrumentations with accurate rotating platforms and digital cameras will be built to scan 1000 control nodes in the illuminated portion of the reflector during observations.
We are also developing control technology to realize the spatial positioning of the receiver in the feed cabin.

Receiver System
The feeds and receivers are planned to be built through international cooperation, which cover a frequency range from 70 MHz to 3GHz. The present 9 feeds and receivers in plan are displayed in the table.

The proposed construction mainly includes:

(1) Feeds and low-noise receivers: to develop feeds and polarizer at 9 bands, LNAs, band selection filters, radio frequency circuit, frequency mixers and IF circuits.
(2) Refrigeration machine: Helium GM refrigeration machines and vacuum Dewar are used to refrigerate the head amplifier and other key instruments, especially for receiver at bands higher than 560 MHz, which requires a temperature of 10-20 K to keep low noise.
(3) Optical fiber to transform IF data: to develop a wide-band optical fiber transformation. IF data is converted to light signal, and then transform in the optical fiber over a distance of about 3 km, and convert back to IF data to the digital terminals.
(4) Digital data-processing terminals: to construct multi-band terminals for cosmic neutral hydrogen, pulsar de-dispersion, molecular lines observations, VLBI data-record terminal, SETI terminal and digital record and process terminal based on computer clusters.
(5) Receiver monitor and diagnosis system: to monitor the receiver in real-time, and test the remote trouble diagnosis to shorten the feed cabin maintenance time in harbor.
(6) The time frequency standard: this will be provided by GPS and high stationary hydrogen clock to fulfill the requirements of pulsar, spectral lines and VLBI observations, etc.
DVB-T/T2:Eesti-SoomeDigi/ DVB-C:Starman HD/DVB-S: Mabo 125x140cm/TBS5922

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 8120
Liitunud: 02:00, 15 Nov 2006
Asukoht: Tallinn
    Windows 7 Firefox
On tänanud: 132 korda
On tänatud: 182 korda

Re: Guizhou 500m teleskoop

PostitusPostitas peeter3000 » 14:24, 24 Juul 2016

veel midagi huvitavat:

Ka ainult veerandil võimsusel töötades on Lõuna-Aafrika raadioteleskoop MeerKAT fenomenaalselt võimas — pildile tillukesest taevasektorist, kust seni oli leitud vaid 70 galaktikat, jäi möödunud laupäeval toimunud proovivaatluse käigus pildile koguni 1300 täheparve.

MeerKAT-i 64 anduri täisvõimsuse rakendamine saab võimalikuks järgmisel aastal, mil mitme riigi koostöös konstrueeritav ruutkilomeeter-teleskoobimaatriks SKA (ingl Square Kilometre Array) viimaks valmib. See tähendab, et praegu, ainult veerandil võimsusel töötades, on MeerKAT juba võimsaim raadioteleskoop lõunapoolkeral, rääkis SKA projekti juhtiv teadlane Fernando Camilo uudisteagentuurile AFP. Vahendab

2020. aastatel täistuuridel tööd alustav SKA hakkab endast kujutama ühe ruutkilomeetri suurusele alale paigaldatud 3000 antennitaldrikust koosnevat tihedat „teleskoobimetsa“. Mitmest riigist ümbritsetud, kuid inimasustusest kaugele jääv taevavaatlusjaam võimaldab teadlastel piiluda sügavamale kosmosesse kui kunagi varem.

Uue teleskoobimaatriksi avastuspotentsiaal on 10 000 korda suurem kui kõige täpsematel praegu töötavatel seadmetel, mis teeb võimalikuks täheplahvatuste, mustade aukude, tumeenergia ja umbes 14 miljardit aastat tagasi meie universumi tekitanud tormiliste sündmuste järelkajade enneolematult põhjaliku uurimise.
MeerKAT kerkib Lõuna-Aafrika edelapiirkonnas Karoo regioonis, kus valitsevad astronoomiliste vaatluste jaoks täiuslikud tingimused. MeerKAT moodustab vaid ühe osa SKA kahest raadioteleskoobistust; teine kompleks rajatakse Austraaliasse.

MeerKAT-i rakendatavate tehnikate ning riist- ja tarkvarasüsteemide arendamisest on osa võtnud umbes 200 teadlast, inseneri ja tehnikut koostöös nii tööstusettevõtetega kui ka kohalike ja võõrülikoolidega.

Aastateks 2017–2020 on MeerKAT-iga tehtavatele vaatlustele aja broneerinud juba ligi 500 teadustöörühma 45 riigist.

MeerKAT-i esimene ametlik nimetus oli Karoo teleskoobimaatriks (lüh KAT; Karoo Array Telescope) ja see pidi hõlmama vaid 20 andurit. Kui Lõuna-Aafrika valitsus aga projekti eelarvet suurendas, võimaldades 64 anduri paigaldamist, ristis töörühm projekti ümber, pannes sellele naljatamisi uueks nimeks MeerKat (buuri keeles „rohkem KAT-i“).

Mitmes keeles tähendab meerkat (vrd van ee „määrkass“) Karoo regioonis levinud armsat mangustlast surikaati (ld Suricata suricatta). ... d=75100163

mõned pildid
DVB-T/T2:Eesti-SoomeDigi/ DVB-C:Starman HD/DVB-S: Mabo 125x140cm/TBS5922


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