25. leht 46-st

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 10:50, 28 Veebr 2016
Postitas Scott
Täitsa UFO välimusega see eelneva postituse lennuk...

Inimese loomuses on tundmatut asja või nähtust alguses karta. Nii ka Aafrikas:

(Mina kartsin väiksena helikoptereid. Nii kui plärin kaugelt kostus, punusin tuppa peitu.)

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 09:36, 08 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
http://www.delfi.ee/news/paevauudised/e ... d=73886719
Paljud saabuvad ja väljuvad lennud on täna Tallinna lennujaamas kas ära jäänud või edasi lükatud, sest lennujaamas on tihe udu.
Suurem osa saabuvaid lende on kas ära jäetud või edasi lükatud, erandiks on Moskvast saabuv Aerofloti lend, mis peaks kell 9.47 maanduma. Samuti peaks välja lendama kell 10.20 lend Kuressaarde.
Lennujaama pressiesindaja Priit Koff ütles, et lennujaam ise on avatud. Otsuse, kas maanduda Tallinnas või lennata välja praeguse uduga, võtab vastu iga lennuki kapten eraldi.
Kuna udu tabas lennujaama juba eile õhtul, maandusid mitmed lennukid, sealhulgas Brüsseli ja Frankfurti omad, eile hoopis Helsingis. Varahommikused lennud Tallinnast jäid seejärel ära, sest lennukid ei saabunud õigel ajal Helsingist tagasi Tallinna.

Moskvast kl. 9.45 saabuv aerofloti lennuk lubas maanduda..
edit kl. 9.38 keeras Paide juures otsa ümber ja suundub Tartusse? (tiirutab Paide kohal, ootab udu hajumist..samamoodi nagu see tnt lennuk).. ja lõpuks pani Moskvasse tagasi..
Stockist tulnud SAS keeras Nõva juures tagasi. (tiirutab Osmussaare kandis)
4-s lennuk tuleb Kopenhaagenist (SAS) , 5-s Stockist (Adrian, NAG) ..see ka tagasi Rootsi
tnt tiirutas 40min. ja pani Hki-sse
milleks nii ohtlikult väike kõrgustevahe? 300m

täna on nähtavus 200m ja lisaks on pilved 30m kõrgusel
sellise nähtavusega ei tohi ka kapten teha otsust maandumiseks.
kl. 12 maandus Kopenhaageni lennuk

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 21:06, 08 Mär 2016
Postitas Zuumbox
peeter3000 kirjutas:...
milleks nii ohtlikult väike kõrgustevahe? 300m

1000 jalga (=300 m) peaks olema minuteada lennukoridoride kõrgustevahe.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 21:19, 08 Mär 2016
Postitas officer
peeter3000 kirjutas:Lennujaama pressiesindaja Priit Koff ütles, et lennujaam ise on avatud. Otsuse, kas maanduda Tallinnas või lennata välja praeguse uduga, võtab vastu iga lennuki kapten eraldi.

maandumisotsus: ...lähtudes oma parematest kogemustest ja kompanii eeskirjadest.
vert.kaugus: lähialas ja ootetsoonis veica teised eeskirjad..., kui on ka lennukite vahel visuaalne kontakt olemas.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 22:59, 09 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
"top 12 erilist lennuvahendit", mida te kindlasti näinud pole (ma arvan).

8. NASA Hyper III

This bizarre looking flying machine was created in the 60’s by NASA as a re-entry vehicle for their space modules. It was designed to imitate a pop out wing. In December of 1969( a few months after the Summer of 69, Bryan Adams I thank you)the Hyper III was launched from a helicopter at 10,000 feet. It flew about three miles, turned around, came back and landed. After the three-minute flight it was not flown again as NASA decided to end the project and cancel the program.

7. Northrop YB-35
The Northrop YB-35 was an early version of Luke Skywalker’s X-wing fighter. OK you got me, no it wasn’t. It a was flying wing bomber designed during World War II. I feel as if a five year old were in the room while it was being designed and said “ Dad, I want more propellers!” and the engineer replied, “Sure son” And there you have it. The Northrop was an experimental heavy bomber for the US Air Force. They only built a prototype.

6. De Lackner HZ-1 Aerocycle
This sweet looking ride was built a single soldier recon mission vehicle. Although, it looks like you could bring it down with your trusty Red Ryder BB Gun(Christmas Story reference) “you’ll shoot your eye out kid!” This was built by the US in the mid 1950s and was intended to be flown by inexperienced pilots with a minimum of 20 minutes of instruction. However, it was quickly determined that the craft was much more difficult to fly than had been expected, and would not be safe in the hands of an inexperienced pilot. As more test flights were performed it was also determined it wasn’t that safe for experienced pilots either and they trashed the concept altogether.

5. Caproni Ca.60 Noviplano
You know when you go out to your favourite pub for wing night where you can eat as many wings as you stuff yourself silly with for just 10 bucks! Well, that really has nothing to do with this tremendously winged aircraft. It’s wings, wings and more wings. Did I mention it has wings? This charming lady was from the early 1900’s as they tried to get boats to fly...This lovely girl flew once...then crashed...then was towed to shore...then burned to the ground, all the same day. I wonder if any of these designers were in on the Titanic build?
4. Douglas XB-42 Mixmaster
When I first heard the name of this plane, I thought it would mix up a wicked batch of salsa...or maybe a really delicious kale and spinach smoothie. I was wrong. It was built as a high speed bomber in 1944. It is probably one of the most normal looking planes of this bunch, with the exception of the propeller in the rear. Although if an enemy fighter approached from the rear it might confuse the pilot thinking they were flying head on.

3. Bartini Beriev VVA-14
It’s beefy looking. This is the dude you want with you walking down a dark alley at night. Developed in the 70’s by the Soviets as a vertical take-off water and land aircraft.Designed to be able to take-off from the water and fly really fast over many miles, it was designed to fly mostly at high altitudes, but also have the be capable of 'flying' just as well above the surface of the ocean. The VVA-14 was designed by Italian-born designer Robert Bartini in response to a perceived threat by the United States Navy Polaris missile submarines.

2. McDonnell XF-85 Goblin
I know what you’re thinking. This was the plane of Spiderman’s arch nemesis the Green Goblin! No, it was actually an American prototype fighter plane engineered during World War II by McDonnell Aircraft. It was supposed to be launched from the bomb bay of the giant Convair B-36 bomber as a defence fighter. The XF-85's main function was to defend bombers from enemy planes(or in WWII lingo….BOGEYS!). There was a tremendous need for this as US bombers were shot down a lot. Two prototypes were built before the project was ended.

1. Snecma Flying Coleoptere (C-450)
The name of this fantastically scary looking craft actually means beetle in french.It was developed by the French company SNECMA in the 1950s. It was a one man plane, that wasn't a big hit with the ladies then and now. It was designed to take-off and land vertically. Obviously there was no need for a runway and they didn’t need much space .The only prototype built was completely trashed the ninth time it was flown and by the looks of this ugly beast, it’s probably just as well.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 19:32, 14 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
Iron Maideni tuurilennuk B747 sai kergelt vigastada ühel Tšiili lennuväljal ( COMODORO ARTURO MERINO BENITEZ (SANTIAGO, CHILE)
vigastada said 2 (kahe) mootori korpused, võimalik, et mootorid vahetatakse..

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 19:41, 14 Mär 2016
Postitas Henkka
Neil peab ikka väga kõvasti pappi olema :D 8)
Huvitav, see lennuk ei saa ju nende endi oma olla? Järelikult lennuki üürijal peaks olema ka miskine kindlustus???
Kuigi jah... ei mina siit madala maa pealt oska midagi arvata...
(tahaks lennataaaaa..... aga mitte eriti kõrgelt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB5_e2lSliE :mrgreen: )

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 20:00, 14 Mär 2016
Postitas valgekotkas

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 12:37, 18 Mär 2016
Postitas laurake1717
Kuna ma uudiseid väga ei jälgi, siis oli huvitav siit teada saada, et 8.03 oli selline udu, et lennukid ei läinud välja.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 08:36, 19 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
Venemaal kukkus alla Dubaist Rostovisse saabuv lennuk Boeing 737 ( Flydubai FZ981), ellujäänuid pole, hukkunute arv 61 või 62.
Lennuk tegi eelnevalt juba ühe maandumisürituse.
halva ilma tõttu ei suutnud lennuk maandumisele minna ja võibolla lõppes otsa kütus? vist mitte..
sest video pealt on näha, et lennuk põleb juba enne allakukkumist..
lennuväljal oli tugev tuul, 14-21m/s, teisel maandumisüritusel riivas lennuk tiivaga maandumisrada, murdus ja plahvatas..
lennukil oli veel piisavalt kütust järgi..

In fact wind was really stronger.
Another plane SSJ100 Aeroflot after aborted landing went to Krasnodar airport and landed there. It's about in 20 minutes fly time from Rostov on Don. Whether condition was much more better there.

katkestasid 5km enne maandumisrada maandumise, tõusid kõrgusele 4000ft, kuid siis laskusid/kukkusid järsu nurga alla maapinnale (kiiruse kasvades)
According to ATC communications published online, before the aircraft was established on the localizer, the instrument which indicates the centerline of the runway when pilots are landing using instruments rather than visually, pilots reported to ATC that in case they will need to make another go-around, they will climb to 8,000 feet (2,400 m). They then reported that they were established on the localizer and continued their descent.[10] At 5.5 kilometres (3.4 mi) before the runway threshold, when the aircraft was at 1500 feet, it started climbing again. After reaching the altitude of 4,000 ft (1,200 m), it began a rapid descent and crashed close to the runway less than a minute later https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flydubai_Flight_981

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 17:20, 19 Mär 2016
Postitas Plinn
Venelaste "Life News"-il on üleval mõned valvekaameratesse jäänud lennukatastroofi aegsed videokaadrid.
Tundub, et päris järsu nurga all tuli alla..

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 19:06, 19 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
Plinn kirjutas:Venelaste "Life News"-il on üleval mõned valvekaameratesse jäänud lennukatastroofi aegsed videokaadrid.
Tundub, et päris järsu nurga all tuli alla..

ma panin hommikul oma posti ka selle video, mingi hetk aga arvati, et on fake (2013 Tatarstani õnnetus) ja võtsin maha.
samas praegu arvatakse, et see on siiski õige video tänaöisest õnnetusest.
igal juhul juhtus lennukiga midagi 4000ft kõrgusel, peale mida ta täiskiirusel sööstis pea otse alla..
kõige parema resoga oli see video CNN kanali uudistes. on tehtud kindlakse, et enne mahapõrget lennuk ei põlenud, vaid need on nn.pardatuled..
FlyDubai confirms both the Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder have been recovered from #FZ981.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 18:18, 20 Mär 2016
Postitas Carat_EST
peeter3000 kirjutas:Venemaal kukkus alla Dubaist Rostovisse saabuv lennuk Boeing 737 ( Flydubai FZ981), ellujäänuid pole, hukkunute arv 61 või 62.
Lennuk tegi eelnevalt juba ühe maandumisürituse.

FR24 sertifitseerimata ADS-B kõrgusinfo on üks kõige vähem usaldusväärsem asi lennunduses.

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 13:14, 25 Mär 2016
Postitas peeter3000
10 päevaga parandati ära Iron Maideni B747.
https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/putt ... her-again/
http://ironmaiden.com/news/article/ed-f ... e-repaired
Nimede järgi peaks olema mehed Islandilt! Töötati vahetustega ööd-päevad..
Air Atlanta (lennuki omanik) tech team who fixed Ed Force One, by shifts they worked:
Days: Agust Fjelsted, Bjorn Bjarnason**, Ingi Ingason, Gudmundur Johansson Nights: Otti Agustsson, Sigurbjarni Thormundsson**, Gunnar Ingi Gunnarsson, Ari Hrafn Steinarsson
** Tech Team travelling on EF1 on tour with us
Pictures by Bjorn Bjarnason (Air Atlanta) and Jeremy Smith (Rock it Cargo)

Re: lennundus

Postitatud: 18:43, 23 Apr 2016
Postitas peeter3000
äike lõi täna sisse kahele (2) maanduvale lennukile Helsinki lähedal.
@solarimpulse will be over the Golden Gate Bridge between 3-6pm local time.
solarimpulse2 läheneb usa rannikule