
Kasutaja avatar
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PostitusPostitas faas » 22:05, 23 Dets 2010

Paneks siis alguse kah sellele teemale.Vähemalt ei pea otsima neti avarustest ja kui abi vaja lihtne küsida.Teema püsib koos äkki :lol:
MeoBoot 0.96 (for all OE1.6 Images)

What is MeoBoot:

MeoBoot is a new, very light, not invasive, Multiboot tool for Enigma 2 images.
MeoBoot is the answer to those who wish to have an alternative to the existing multiboot tools, which have now become a kind of image in the image, controlling your DM, doing tasks that go beyond their purposes, reaching large file sizes.

System requirements:
MeoBoot is currently designed to work only with Enigma 2 images for Drembox series DM8xx, namely for dm800 and DM8000.
MeoBoot can be installed on a standard CF (Compact Flash), an SD card, or a normal USB ***.
MeoBoot only accepts devices formatted in Linux (part1) and this to ensure the best performance in dreambox native environment.
The HDD install option is not available. The HDD standby feature makes the HDD install a bad solution, and therefore the USB, CF and SD are preferred instead.

MeoBoot is very simple and intuitive. The plugin includes an Help button, explaining where to upload images before install and how to remove it. It also includes a feature to format the device where the MultiBoot will be used.

About multiboot tools, and suggestions on how to keep the image always updated.

An insight of all multiboot tools would require understanding that DMM second stage are not possible to modify.

This means that the current multiboot tools may intervene in the process of starting the Dreambox only after the kernel and Secondstage have been loaded.
It is therefore importanto to understand that when using a multi-boot tool, the drivers, secondstage and kernel will be loaded by the flash image.
This procedure requires some precautions:
1) It is a good idea to always update the flash image, to make sure it includes the latest drivers and secondstage. Drivers and Secondstage can be easily updated via the Software Manager, available in the flash image. If the drivers and secondstage of your flash image are old, they will also be used for the new images you will install to multiboot.
2) Do not install to multiboot images too old, compared to the flash image. They may not work properly when the drivers are very recent, and the CVS is very old.
3) Do not use images in multiboot with different kernel versions. This may cause the malfunction of your whole dream.
For example, do not use the latest OzOon images with Nabilo, LS, Gimini or NewEnigma. Ozoon latest images include a different kernel and are incompatible.
To avoid trouble then before installing a new image, always check the image kernel version, and make sure it is the same as the flash image.
These are few and simple explanations that are relevant to all multi-boot tools and if you follow them, you will then make sure that your Dream always performs at itsbest, keeping it as much as possible efficient and updated.

MeoBoot was written precisely for this to be simple, transparent and lightweight.
It is very small compared to other MB and does not reach even a mega.
It only does its job, and does not invade your dream, do not check if it is a clone or not, check your network, it does nothing extra. Only does multiboot!

Enjoy MeoBoot

To install it to your DM:
1) download the file to your PC
2) via FTP, copy the file to your DM in /tmp
3) start a telnet session
4) type cd /
5) type ipkg install /tmp/MeoBoot06a.ipk
6) the plugin will be installed and Enigma 2 will automatically restart
7) the plugin is available in your image plugin list

To install the plugin, you must first boot from your flash image, then follow these steps:

1) with your favorite FTP tool, copy the IPK file to /tmp
2) start a Telnet session
3) digit cd / and press Enter
4) digit ipkg -force-overwrite install /tmp/MeoBoot094.ipk and press Enter

Enigma2 will automatically restarted. Launch the plugin, and the update will have been completed.
After the upgrade is completed, all your previously installed images will still be available
Sul pole õigusi, et siin postituses manuseid näha
DM8000, DM7020, VU+ Ultimo4K Toroidal T90 5W;4W;0.8W;4.8E;9E;10E;13E;16E;19E;23.5E;36E+1,1M 28,2E, LG OLED55E6V

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 314
Liitunud: 03:00, 01 Jaan 1970
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On tänanud: 8 korda
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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas seltsimees » 23:33, 25 Dets 2010

igatahes nendest kahte viimast proovisin 800 se peal käima saada, no ei saa.

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Postitusi: 2247
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Asukoht: Tallinn/Dagö:Tärkma
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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas aandra » 08:32, 26 Dets 2010

Kõik imaged ei tunnista meobooti!. Nt. Gemini imaged, newdreamelite. Seeläbi aga cvs, nabilosat, dreamelite ja paljud teised võtavad hästi omaks.

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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas rimas » 08:53, 26 Dets 2010

Karta on, et uue kerneliga imaged MeoBoot'i enam omaks ei võta.

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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas eesatfan » 11:27, 26 Dets 2010

Ma pole väga põhjalikult uurinud, aga peaks olema nii, et meoboot töötab ainult nende imagetega, mis kasutavad sama kernelit, mis on flash-s. Ehk sisuliselt peaks olema kogu aeg sama kernel, ( laetud falsh-st) aga kõik muu ümbritsev (ka kerneli moodulid) on vastava image oma. Ehk siis kui panna flashi uus kernel siis peaks meoboot abil saama käima kõik imaged mis kasutavad uut kernelit.

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2247
Liitunud: 17:06, 12 Aug 2003
Asukoht: Tallinn/Dagö:Tärkma
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On tänanud: 297 korda
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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas aandra » 13:23, 26 Dets 2010

Nii ongi, samuti peab image frontprotsessori variant sama olema, muidu läheb image küll käima aga displeil on ainult stardi info.

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Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas raivo » 18:08, 26 Dets 2010

aandra kirjutas:Kõik imaged ei tunnista meobooti!. Nt. Gemini imaged, newdreamelite. Seeläbi aga cvs, nabilosat, dreamelite ja paljud teised võtavad hästi omaks.

Gemini 5.1 töötab meoboot-ga väga hästi ja ei mingei probleeme. Ilmselt pidasid silmas iCVS + GP3 plugin ja sellega vist tõesti ei tööta.
Toroidal T90 39E <---> 5W, Amiko Viper 4K, Drembox 920HD, LG UHD OLED 55" ja LCD UHD 75"

Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 2247
Liitunud: 17:06, 12 Aug 2003
Asukoht: Tallinn/Dagö:Tärkma
    unknown unknown
On tänanud: 297 korda
On tänatud: 55 korda

Re: MeoBoot.

PostitusPostitas aandra » 22:03, 26 Dets 2010

Sinu pakutud kooslus töötab väga hästi! Nimelt oli mul flashis vanema kerneliga image, aga gemini 5.1 kasutab nr. 7 frontprotsessorit ja seetõttu 5.1 töötas küll USB-l aga dreami displei ei näidanud muud, kui startup-i.
Praegu mul ongi icvs+gp3 flashis, lasin peale meoboodi ja usb-l käravad nabilo ja dreamelite. PP käib, kuid iga natukese aja takka näitab rohelist ekraani.

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